Bring clarity to your divorce, and your future.


Rely on professional, expert guidance to help you navigate your divorce.

Janette Brooker is a highly qualified and experienced divorce coach, specialised in helping her clients through one of the most challenging experiences they’ll ever face. Janette gives you all-round, practical and emotional support to help you close this difficult chapter and focus on a future for yourself.

Ending your relationship is a major life change and can be very traumatic. A break-up impacts on your children, disrupts your financial security and uproots your family dynamics. Navigating a divorce is so often isolating, overwhelming and terrifying. But you don’t have to do this alone.


What does a divorce coach do?

A divorce coach supports, motivates and guides you through your divorce. By creating a goal-orientated framework to deal with all aspects of the process, a coach can help take emotion out of the equation so you can make the best decisions.

Who needs a divorce coach?

Anyone who’s considering, is in the process of, or has recently been through a divorce needs a divorce coach. A coach can also help you if you’re worried about how your divorce will impact your children or your financial situation.

Why is divorce coaching beneficial?

You get support and guidance personalised for you and your situation. An on-call confidential sounding board can help you manage your emotions, taking the pressure off your friends and family. Plus, coaching is a practical way to help you minimise your legal costs.



I’m uniquely qualified to help you do your best by you.


Being certified as a divorce coach and also a life coach with added NLP training gives me more ways to tackle your break-up and its negative effects. My work will leave you with clarity over your situation and confidence in yourself. You’ll rediscover the essence of you, and feel empowered to take control of your life again.

You won’t look back. But even if you do, you’ll see how much working through your divorce with me as your coach was a good investment. You’ll know you’ve arrived at the best possible outcome, with no room for regrets.

To find out more, contact me at